Hello again
I have just been on holiday with my family. We decided, like a lot of others, that a UK holiday was the order of the day bearing in mind the environmental cost of flying. We are trying to fly only once per year from now on, so the UK holiday industry had better watch out.
I am a supporter of local trade and I really wanted the holiday to be an advert for what we (UK plc) can provide for tourists. We chose Suffolk as our destination and rented a cottage in Woodbridge. Sadly, the downside of holidaying in the UK is that the 80:20 rule applies eg the weather is (at best) 80%, service you recieve is 20% below the standard you would hope for, the accomodation is 20% short of excellent. It really is a case of so near, yet so far.
With the changing environment, British people want to holiay in the UK and for the good of the larger economy we want to attract foreign tourists to the UK. For this to be a success we must go the extra metre (which is the most difficult metre) and make the UK experience as good as it can possibly be - don't fall at the final hurdle.
Let the British holiday set the standards for the rest of the world, not be an "also ran". People don't mind paying a bit more if the service is excellent and people don't mind a bit of rain if they receive a warm welcome. We must exceed the expectations of the tourist and charm them into holidaying in the UK, year after year.
I shall get off my soap box now,
Until next time