Monday 24 August 2009

Watch out, watch out, there are Stormtroopers about.

Hello again,

Life is stranger than fiction - well, science fiction anyway!

I recently had an encounter with these two characters one sunny evening in Truro and slightly menacing they were too. The problem was that I had no idea who, or what, they were. They were familiar enough but I didn't know from where so I took a photo anyway. Mind you, having their picture taken didn't seem to make them very happy - then again, how would you know.

It wasn't until I got back to the office and asked around that everyone told me they were Stormtroopers from Starwars.

Now, my sci-fi ignorance is out of the bag and I have had to go to the Jedi Church confessional and admit that I have not seen Starwars, Star Trek, ET, 2001, A space Oddysey, Blade Runner or even Planet of the Apes. It's true I am the biggest sci-fi numpty around. There, I've said it outloud and d'you know, I am feeling a bit better about myself. I'm still not going to watch a sci-fi film but hey, at least I don't have to pretend anymore.

Until next time... nanu nanu.

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