Thursday 9 July 2009

Fiat 500s are ace!

Hello again,

You might know but my business is a garden irrigation & garden lighting installation company. We design, install and maintain watering and light systems in private gardens throughout London and the South of England.

The reason that I mention this is that we have recently purchased a new vehicle for the Estimators to visit the prospective clients in. Previously, we had van versions of small cars but this time we have got a Fiat 500. We got a black one, to fit in with our "look" and we have signwritten it, tickertape style, in reflective writing. This means that when it is driven at night the signwriting looks like it is glowing or that it is lit - clever eh?

I have to say the Fiat is brilliant, it is fun, cheeky, easy to drive, simple to park, easy on the eye and most of all it makes total strangers smile. There seems to be a real affection for the Fiat 500 that partly stems back to the original. Fiat seem to have produced a new modern car that respects its past without slavishly trying to replicate it. Most of all though, they have managed to recreate the character of the original and that is their real success.

Until later


Reaganite Independent said...

What's cool is the Abarth 500 they're sending over-

Abarth is an in-house tuner along the lines of BMW's M or Mercedes' AMG... and has a fifty-year history modifying FIAT cars for racing and street performance.

Can you imagine 160hp in this thing with 6-spd stick? Topanga Canyon here I come...

Simon Sales said...

I've seen the Arbarth & looks great in white - covered in scorpion logos. A proper urban go-kart.