Hello again
The issue of recycling is something that has occupied my mind of late.
In principal, most people agree that recycling is a good thing. It is certainly not as good as minimisation ie use less packaging in the first place but, as a response to consumerism it is ok. It is how recycling is implemented that has got everyone's goat.
Firstly, it is the Local Councils that are charged (by the government) with having to recycle; they must meet their targets to reduce landfill. To our credit, there is a willing and enthusiastic public out there who are happy to assist for the greater good, but it is not the legal duty for the public to recycle (as far as I know). That being the case the Councils need to adopt an inclusive, helpful and co-operative approach to recycling and not become bullies. Rather than use a carrot, the Councils have adopted a stick approach. The whole recycling thing has rapidly evolved from being the the Councils responsibility, to being our responsibility, to us being policed by the Council.
When I say responsibility I want to be clear that I mean legal responsibility and not the moral imperitive, I accept it is everyone's moral responsibility to recycle.
It has now got to the point where the public are punished if the binmen ajudge that someone might have broken the rules. Since when did the binmen become the arbiters of such matters? This is wrong, if the Government and the Councils want recycling to be a success then they should/must reverse this trend and start working with the electorate or they will find that the electorate won't want to work with them.
I shall get off my soapbox now.
Until next time