I might have mentioned in previous blogs that I have an allotment. We took it on, as a family, at the end of 2007 at which point it was chest high in brambles and shin high with couch grass. Over the last 9 months we have dug it, put edging boards in, built the ever important compost heap, put up a decent sized poly tunnel and acquired the ubiquitous allotment shed.
With low expectations for our first year, we have had an abundance of produce, much more that we hoped for; potatoes, carrots, courgettes, cabbage, tomatoes, rocket, kohl rabi, beetroot, radish, onions, garlic, shallots, beans (runner, french & broad) and most recently sweetcorn (see image). We still have squash, jerusalem artichokes, globe artichokes, aubergines, rhubarb to come. On top of that we have had cut flowers on demand from the sweet peas and the multi-headed sunflowers that just keep flowering and flowering.
It is easier than you think, just get one, get stuck in and you will find that all the plot holders near you will offer you advice, seeds, plants, encouragement and best of all cups of tea. At first it does seem like all work and no reward but (like giving birth I suspect) when the rewards arrive you forget about all the backache & blisters and sit back in your deckchair with a nice cool drink and bask in the smug self-satisfaction that you don't have to buy your veg from Waitrose or similar.
Try it,
Until next time...
Waterwell - for Garden Lighting and Irrigation